Had a HTHT with CY just now and I began to see light in things that I had never noticed before.
I realised the problem lies within me. I am the problem! :( :( :( I dare not step out of my comfort zone. And then when I'm talking about my problems, I don't know why in the world was I still laughing HAHAHA! What the hell is wrong with me lols
Anyway, on a happier note, it's my Sis' birthday today! :D The cake was damn chio and damn sweet. OVERLY sugary in fact. Every part of the cake was practically sugar, icing, whip-cream, more sugar and more icing hahaha! But as much as I wanted to, I couldn't finish the sinful cake because my jaw ached from laughing too much whattheheck.
Purely made of sugar ♡, ♡
CUTE SUGAR LADYBUG! But I dare not eat it because it's an insect :3
On a random note, I love how SAJC has a massive number of dress-down days ^^ ! Almost everyday in Term 2, DRESS DOWN!!! Time to get my long-awaited SASS shirt yeah!