ASD Meeting yesterday!
It was reallyyy enriching and I learnt a lot. It's been long since I touched on these philosophical stuff~ :')
Our group was presenting on Treasures of the Heart *_* (bling shimmers glitters sparkles)
Based on my memory....which means, the super simplified form lols
What are Treasure of the Heart???
They are values, spiritual or mental virtues that enable you to gain HAPPINESS :)
Things like compassion, determination, courage, humility, the list goes on.
Why are they important??
- Treasures of'the heart, unlike Treasures of the Storehouse (materialistic riches; your cars, house, jobs etc.) and Treasures of the Body (health, knowledge etc.), are indestructible.
They stay with you through all sorts of bad times and you'll never lose them! But you can't bring your material riches to the grave right! And we all fall sick sometimes. - You can be super intelligent but you use it the wrong way.
You can have all the riches in the world but still ain't happy. Money doesn't guarantee you happiness. In fact, many people who are wealthy have a lower state of life (in terms of happiness) than those who are poorer. Are you Singaporeans happy? Given all the relatively classy facilities around you? When we gain that bit of riches, we want more, we want better. Greed. Our needs aren't satiable.
CONTENTMENT! Be contended with what you have and you'll be happier~ :)
- Treasures of the heart are complementary to the other two treasures.
They bring us through adversities and guide us to achieving our goals. Academic qualifications (knowledgeable) or whatever materialistic stuff we want.
Why are adversities important???
- They help us become more compassionate.
It is only when we go through similar adversities can we truly understand how other people feel. If you don't know the situation then how can you help others (effectively)? - They enable us to become stronger.
The Chinese comes in... Cannot be 温室里的小花 or we'll crumble easily when some big problem appears. So these small little setbacks are like training blocks for anything bigger.EMBRACE ADVERSITIES!!
Okay.... COME WHAT MAY MAN! Project Happynomatterwhat hahahaha ;)
With these, my GP essay A already la HAHAHAHAHAHA!