Was playing the piano halfway when the notion of "Do what you like and you never have to work a single day" sunk in. Fug, I rlly don't mind playing the piano all day everyday lah? Should have been a pianist.
Which brought me back to the question of.... B&F or Marketing? Rlly torn between these 2 choices.
I guess it's pretty clear that I enjoy Marketing more than bonds and equities and I guess what's rlly holding me back is this sudden realisation. I mean being an investment banker is my ambition since Sec 2 and everything that I had been doing geared me towards this dream. It was my dream job.
Came across this article ytd night: The best part of life is realising why it's better that things didn't work out
That moment you realize your “dream job” was never really your dream job.
Which brought me back to the question of.... B&F or Marketing? Rlly torn between these 2 choices.
I guess it's pretty clear that I enjoy Marketing more than bonds and equities and I guess what's rlly holding me back is this sudden realisation. I mean being an investment banker is my ambition since Sec 2 and everything that I had been doing geared me towards this dream. It was my dream job.
Came across this article ytd night: The best part of life is realising why it's better that things didn't work out
That moment you realize your “dream job” was never really your dream job.
It takes some people longer than others to arrive at their purpose in life – it’s not anyone’s fault, as finding our purpose in life is found just as much outside of us as it is inside of us.
But experiencing that moment of realization, of realizing that what you once thought was your purpose in life is not at all your true purpose in life, is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world.
Often we fail at either reaching or succeeding in our dream jobs because there is something more, something greater, waiting for us.
It takes some people longer than others to arrive at their purpose in life – it’s not anyone’s fault, as finding our purpose in life is found just as much outside of us as it is inside of us.
But experiencing that moment of realization, of realizing that what you once thought was your purpose in life is not at all your true purpose in life, is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world.
Often we fail at either reaching or succeeding in our dream jobs because there is something more, something greater, waiting for us.
Came into NBS just for B&F and all of a sudden I'm not doing B&F anymore? I'm not sure if this is the right choice or not. And I'm not even sure if I can get into B&F or not. And should I even appeal if I'm rejected? Technically, life has alr helped cross out this option for me since I screwed up FM and it's highly likely I won't get accepted. So perhaps I was brought here for a different purpose...? I guess perhaps the hardest part is letting go. Letting go of the dream I had envisioned. Omg this is rlly such a big leap of faith :{{{{{{{{{{ Am I rlly doing this???????