I know what I wanna be now !
2:05:00 PMI have found my ambitions ! In the middle of the Maths exam. HAHA !
I never ever want to touch Maths after JC again ! But what can I be next time? Heheh. I wanna be.. A makeup artist ! Or a dancer, or a photoshopper also can :) Quite 脚踏实地 right? Why am I even in JC when all these skills don't even need brains. Haiya. (Somehow this reminds me of the Pre-U Sem's "What Do You Think" commotion HAHA ! They talked about Arts students having no future. Quoted by TJ's Principal) But they say Poly students have tougher time adapting in Uni lei... And if I choose the wrong course -> DIE !!! Stuck with doing the same thing. Otherwise, waste time to restudy again. ={
I felt like giving up halfway during the paper lor. Plus I'm so tired ! Plus my stomach is having that feeling again ! It's nausea. I hate it. Don't tell me I'm developing an allergic reaction to GongCha. NO WAYYY !