Accomplishment !!!!
7:26:00 PMToday we broke the record by we completing PW and actually managing to print before tmr (which is the deadline) omggg !
We brainstormed for GI, TOGETHER with everyone actl talking X) So we had the outline and all alr. Just now all we had to do was to complete Chapter 4&5 and edit. Have to admit that it's not reallyyy that fantastic cos we had damn little citations, no time and we didn't want to risk rushing to print tmr. It'd definitely be ultra jam-packed AGAIN !
Yeap I think we can progress quite swiftly now onwards, since we found our ideal PW spot at Pris' house and we're all familiar enough to talk crap and come up w ideas together hahaha ! Yayyyy !
I think our group is one of the better ones in the sense that my original PI idea is still intact and usable. Our Bl-amazing Race thingy although wasn't perfect but we only had to modify it here and there :) Win told me that from the first draft to the final one, your product could change from a table to a phone. Yeahhh, the change could be that drastic ! But ours maintained ! :)
Trying to imagine the ex-SASS boys in our cohort one year ago, playing at the street soccer court. Hmmm.....