Skated around half of NTU to make some deliveries for my mortal HAHAHA feels good to be back skating again!!! WHEE~
If not for my mortal, I doubt I'd ever walk along that part of school lols. My mortal is damn protected lah, I realised you need keys to enter their hall omg, deliveries aint easy! This angel's life is tough!
If not for my mortal, I doubt I'd ever walk along that part of school lols. My mortal is damn protected lah, I realised you need keys to enter their hall omg, deliveries aint easy! This angel's life is tough!
Such perfect weather to snuggle in but NO there's work to be done
Somebody wake me up when it's all over THANKS!!!!
Missing the ol days a lot lot lot~
I'm in need of a crystal ball to guide me what to do and what not to do sometimes. How i wish such crystal ball exists.
ANYWAYS, on a more positive note, looking forward to ZICHAR with HADES later! And we're gonna be playing Angels and Mortals hahaha
Mortal, you're gonna be so lucky; Angel, please be nice to me :) heehee
And ERMAHGAWD i'm allocated to work on my favourite event together w my roomie for our hall's Summer Soiree HAHA this is gonna be so fun. What event is that??? NOPE not gonna tell you. Yet. STAY TUNED for more updates on....... The Summer Soiree 2015. hawhaw.
Somebody wake me up when it's all over THANKS!!!!
I'm in need of a crystal ball to guide me what to do and what not to do sometimes. How i wish such crystal ball exists.
ANYWAYS, on a more positive note, looking forward to ZICHAR with HADES later! And we're gonna be playing Angels and Mortals hahaha
Mortal, you're gonna be so lucky; Angel, please be nice to me :) heehee
And ERMAHGAWD i'm allocated to work on my favourite event together w my roomie for our hall's Summer Soiree HAHA this is gonna be so fun. What event is that??? NOPE not gonna tell you. Yet. STAY TUNED for more updates on....... The Summer Soiree 2015. hawhaw.
After some good HTHT over supper, i feel that i've been enlightened, i can finally step out of the box and see the picture clearer as a whole now. Waddahell had i been doing oh.em.gee.
SCREW MY LIFEEEEEEEE why am i sharing my room w a lizard who didnt even pay any rent T_T
How could i have survived so many heart attacks oh god
Clearly my anti-lizard spray aint working sigh
How could i have survived so many heart attacks oh god
Clearly my anti-lizard spray aint working sigh
I guess i havent done much to show that i care even though deep inside i really do, and thats probably why things are the way they are now and i feel so soooo horrible about this. I'll be a better person in future, definitely. Argh i rlly hate it that i had made someone who rlly meant something to me feel so sad/angry/pissed/disappointed. Why am i sucha noob sigh.... I FEEL SO SAHDDDDD
But then again, from this, i've learnt that to treasure what i have and to show appreciation to the people around me. Especially my mum, who has been showering me unconditionally with love when i havent exactly been the best daughter ><
I teared. That's about the best thing I've heard all week. No, wait, that's about the best thing someone could have ever said to me. Im so sorry mummy!!! I havent done much for you either. Thanks for standing by me through thick and thin, through my ups and downs, through my A level periods, i love you sooooo much!
But then again, from this, i've learnt that to treasure what i have and to show appreciation to the people around me. Especially my mum, who has been showering me unconditionally with love when i havent exactly been the best daughter ><
"Please remember that no matter what happens, i'll always be here for you. Always."
I teared. That's about the best thing I've heard all week. No, wait, that's about the best thing someone could have ever said to me. Im so sorry mummy!!! I havent done much for you either. Thanks for standing by me through thick and thin, through my ups and downs, through my A level periods, i love you sooooo much!
"You can be the peanut butter to my jelly
You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly
You can be the the captain and I can be your first mate
You can be the chills that I feel on out first date
You can be the the hero and I can be your side kick
You can be the the tear that I'll cry if we ever split
You can be the the rain from the cloud when it's stormin'
Or You can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'
Cause you're the applie to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
You can be the prince and I can be your princess
You can be the sweet tooth and I can be the dentisi
You can be the shoes and I can be the laces
You can be the heart that I spill on the pages
You can be the codka and I can be the chaser
You can be the pencil and I can be the paper
You can be as cold as the winter weather
But I don't care as long as we're together
You know that I'll never doubt yaAuburn - Perfect two
And you know that I think about ya
And you know I can't live without ya
I love the way that you smile
And maybe in just a while
I can see us walk down the aisle"
Lookin forward to Friday when I can take a lil break and see my homies, being in different schools and having different recess weeks sure make meetups tougher but I'm glad we're keeping this friendship going :)
Some of the people you’ll “hang out” with aren’t the same friends who you will
call up at 4 a.m. Know the difference and respect the fact that everyone needs
someone to grab a beer with as much as they need a shoulder to cry on. Yes, one
is more important than the other. And if you find a friend who can do both,
cherish them.
1. The people who you thought
would be there for you when it counted are not always going to be there.
Sometimes because they quite literally cannot be there, other times because
they just don’t want to (anymore).
2.The same will go for you – you’re not always going to (want to) be there for
people who need you too.
3. Some of your friends will be more successful than you. And you
will be more successful than some of your friends. And this will change over
time depending on everyone’s life situation, path, and sheer dumb luck.
4. You will feel like people you’ve known for years don’t know you
at all anymore (and you don’t know them either). You will also feel like people
you’ve met for five minutes just “get you.” And it’ll be a strange, complex
feeling you’re not quite sure how to handle all the time.
You’re not always going to like the people your friends are dating, building
relationships with, and even marrying. They might feel the same way about the
people you’re with too. Deal with it.
You will eventually realize that some of your friendships were one-sided. It’s
heartbreaking but any kind of love has to be a two-way street for it to work.
Let go of these people and feel free.
7. If
someone keeps telling you they’re “too busy,” eventually you have to take this
as a sign that they’re too busy for
you. I was in grad school, running on four hours of sleep and
barely any weekends for the last two years of my life. The friends who mattered
made time for me, and I did for them. “Being busy” is legitimate until it’s not
anymore, and you’ll know when it’s not.
You’re not going to feel as close to certain people as you once did. You might
still love them and even enjoy their company. But you won’t be as close as you
once were.
Your old friends will always be a mirror for you to see how far you’ve come.
And I mean those friends who’ve seen you through the different stages of your
life thus far. You will need that mirror to keep perspective.
You will grow apart from a handful of friends because it’s not that people
change per se, but their interests and lives change. (But yes, they
change too and so do you.)
Some of your friends will get married and have babies before you’ve even
figured out how to have a “normal” relationship. It’s up to you and them
whether this will be a barrier to your friendship.
That said if you’re single, you’ll likely spend more time with your single
friends. If you’re in a relationship, you’ll likely spend more time with
friends who are in relationships too. It’s not necessarily intentional; it’s
just the law of social networks.
Your close friends will make good friends with other people and you’ll feel
like you’re in junior high for being envious about it. And sometimes it won’t
all be in your head, people get competitive about friendships. The best thing
you can do is not get caught up in anything of the sort.
That being said, it is still better to have two or three solid friends you can
count on than a host of people who won’t be there for you when it really
You have to really work at a friendship once you’re not spoiled by knowing you
will see them in class or at home. You have to make the effort or you will
sooner or later find yourself without the support group of friends you once
had. People will move on.
If you can’t hold onto your friends, it’s not always them. Sometimes it’s not
everyone else, it’s you. As for me, I’ve always found (as my parents drilled
into my head as a child) that in order to have good friends, you have to be a
good friend. If you are, you will always find true friendships wherever you go.
Some friendships just die. That’s the truth of it. Don’t try to fight it. Don’t
let it make you angry. Don’t blame yourself or the other person or circumstance
or anything else. Accept it for what it is.
You need to make friends with yourself. It’s corny and it’s cliché but it’s
also the truth. Because there will be certain times in your life that it’ll
feel like you’re all you’ve got. And when those times come, you have to be
enough to get by.
Cuz everyone needs a little break from studying :)
Tarts and starbucks to survive the night before financial management's mid-terms test
Digital makeup lols
Eyeshadow, false eyelashes, coloured iris
Eyeshadow, false eyelashes, coloured iris
On the bus somewhere in Tampines after dance prac for youth festival project~