
1:42:00 PM

Such perfect weather to snuggle in but NO there's work to be done
Somebody wake me up when it's all over THANKS!!!!


Missing the ol days a lot lot lot~
I'm in need of a crystal ball to guide me what to do and what not to do sometimes. How i wish such crystal ball exists.

ANYWAYS, on a more positive note, looking forward to ZICHAR with HADES later! And we're gonna be playing Angels and Mortals hahaha

Mortal, you're gonna be so lucky; Angel, please be nice to me :) heehee


And ERMAHGAWD i'm allocated to work on my favourite event together w my roomie for our hall's Summer Soiree HAHA this is gonna be so fun. What event is that??? NOPE not gonna tell you. Yet. STAY TUNED for more updates on....... The Summer Soiree 2015. hawhaw.

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